SIRP Launches S3 Scoring Module to Help Organizations Prioritize Threat Response
February 24, 2020
Why the Financial Sector Must Prioritise Automation
May 9, 2020
SIRP Launches S3 Scoring Module to Help Organizations Prioritize Threat Response
February 24, 2020
Why the Financial Sector Must Prioritise Automation
May 9, 2020

SIRP Provides FREE Risk-Based
SOAR Platform for Businesses and MSSPs Hit by COVID-19


With COVID-19 sweeping the globe, businesses are facing a host of new challenges.

Security teams are among the hardest hit.

The pandemic has already been described as the “biggest ever cybersecurity threat to hit businesses.” — and we can’t help but agree.

That’s why SIRP is offering FREE use of its industry-leading risk-based SOAR platform for 60 days. The offer is open to any business or MSSP that needs additional security support to help protect users and assets during this difficult time.

To give your security team FULL, FREE access to the SIRP platform for the next 60 days, click here.

Why is COVID-19 a Cybersecurity Threat?

First of all, COVID-19 is NOT the first real-world event to cause problems for security professionals.

Every year, seasonal events like tax deadlines and even Valentine’s Day spawn plenty of related threats. Cybercriminals and state-sponsored hackers see these events as an ‘opportunity’ to trick individuals and businesses into clicking malicious links and attachments or sending sensitive information to the wrong address.

COVID-19 poses a unique challenge, however, because it’s profoundly affecting almost everybody on the planet. We’re all hungry for information about the pandemic — and how we can cope with it — which makes us easy pickings for Coronavirus-themed cyber attacks.

So what new threats are we seeing? A recent report by the Thales Group sums things up well. Some of the top highlighted threats include:

  • Hundreds of new COVID-19 related domains have been registered, around half of which are thought to be involved in malicious activity.
  • Large-scale phishing attacks are being used to lure victims to Coronavirus-related domains offering malicious downloads disguised as information documents.
  • Spam campaigns are being used on a massive scale to spread ransomware and other malware variants, as well as attempting to steal data.

On top of these issues, many organizations are seeing spikes in hacking activity. Hacktivists, state-sponsored threat groups, and organized criminal organizations are all taking the opportunity to forward their agendas and/or profit from confusion caused by the pandemic.

And it’s not only the increase in threats causing problems. In many ways, the most significant challenge for security teams is much closer to home.

The WFH Problem

By forcing business professionals to work from home on an unprecedented scale, COVID-19 has effectively exploded the traditional network perimeter. Business networks and infrastructure are under huge strain, and so-called ‘shadow IT’ is growing daily to meet the needs of teams that have never previously worked remotely.

As a result, cybersecurity teams are stretched to breaking point as they work to redefine and protect the network perimeter. This is causing all of the top challenges of security teams to become even more problematic:

  • The volume and sophistication of cyber threats are rising even faster than normal.
  • Business and security environments have become drastically more complex overnight.
  • Security teams are overwhelmed like never before, and at the worst possible time.
  • The cybersecurity skills shortage is being felt more keenly than ever before.

Beset by these challenges, security teams need powerful tools and technology to help them take back control and effectively fight the threats posed by COVID-19

What About MSSPs?

For obvious reasons, many organizations are turning to Managed Security Service Providers (MSSPs) for support during this challenging time.

This is placing additional strain on MSSPs, who must work to support new customers and adapt to existing customers’ expanded network environments. To cope with the surge in demand, MSSPs also need powerful tools and technology to help them optimize operations and manage multiple customers.

In recognition of this need, SIRP’s 60-day free offer is also open to all MSSPs to help ensure the ongoing security of their customer networks, data, and employees.

Re-Establish Control with SIRP

SIRP’s industry-leading risk-based SOAR solution brings all critical cybersecurity functions together into one powerful platform. Security teams can use SIRP to re-establish control over their network perimeter and respond quickly and effectively to new threats.

Top benefits include:

  • Intuitive, in-platform communication and documentation aids security team collaboration, avoids duplicated effort, and ensures every incident is addressed quickly and effectively.
  • Powerful automation capabilities allow security teams to build best practice processes once, then deploy them in seconds when needed.
  • Security scoring module helps businesses track real-world cyber risk based on a full picture of their environment and threat landscape, improving their ability to prioritize and make risk-based decisions.
  • Easy-to-setup and use playbooks ensure all incidents are processed as if by your top performers. This improves security outcomes and drastically reduces the chance of errors.
  • Integrated threat intelligence helps cut out false positives before they reach analysts, saving time and fighting the dreaded ‘ alert fatigue ’.
  • Easy integration of SIEMs, EDRs, firewalls, ticketing systems, TI feeds, and other critical security technologies saves hundreds of wasted man-hours.
  • Fully-orchestrated incident response processes help improve security teams’ median time to detect and respond to security incidents (MTTD/MTTR).

On top of this, SIRP is the only SOAR platform with built-in risk management. The platform includes a fully customizable module to help security teams map risks to individual assets — using any risk framework — and prioritize them across the organization.

To give your security team of MSSP FULL, FREE access to the SIRP platform for 60 days, click here.