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Vulnerability Management on Autopilot: How SIRP Automates Prioritization and Patching


In today’s world of rapidly evolving cyber threats, your organization's data and infrastructure security is more critical than ever. Vulnerability management is crucial to prevent cyber threats. It is a proactive measure that improves the environment's overall security posture. SIRP SOAR transforms the way your organization handles vulnerabilities within your system and network.  SIRP, powered by its risk-based approach, automates the process of prioritization and patching, saving time and ensuring your business maintains a robust security system, ready to protect against future cyberattacks. SIRP takes the heavy responsibility off your IT team's shoulders. It facilitates them to pay attention to strategic planning instead of consuming their energy, time, and resources on manual tasks.

Vulnerability management involves conducting scans to identify security weaknesses in computers, networks, and systems, then prioritizing, addressing, and remediating these vulnerabilities to ensure comprehensive protection. Automating this process helps save time, reduces human error, and ensures that vulnerabilities are promptly and effectively managed, thereby enhancing overall security.

You will inevitably have a range of such weaknesses in your system, mainly because of ongoing changes to your infrastructure and applications, which explains the need for end-to-end vulnerability management.

Advantages of Automating  Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management is the first line of defence. Vulnerability management is a systematic review of security flaws, their reporting and resolution. Here are some benefits to automate the process of prioritization and patching.

Risk-based Prioritization


One of the key benefits of automating the vulnerability management process is that it is financially beneficial. It saves an organization's time, money, and resources by automating the process of identification, prioritization and patching vulnerabilities. Sometimes, security teams find multiple vulnerabilities and weaknesses to tackle. In this case, their first and foremost duty is to prioritize the vulnerabilities that must be addressed first based on the criticality of the discovered vulnerabilities as well as their relevance to the organization. SIRP SOAR will help you prioritize the more important tasks according to the security perspective to make the vulnerability management process easier and faster. SIRP uses advanced threat intelligence and algorithms to prioritize weaknesses based on the risk.

Swift Resolution

Through the use of end-to-end automation, SIRP allows the security teams to prioritize high and critical vulnerabilities. Escalating only those vulnerabilities that are of consequence expedites patching and resolution. SIRP ensures an end-to-end process from discovery to resolution by automating the follow-up mechanism on those vulnerabilities.

Centralized Visibility


Through seamless integration with known Vulnerability assessment tools, security teams have a centralized view of their security posture in one place. Furthermore, through the use of analytics like dashboards and widgets in SIRP, teams have a bird's eye view of their entire vulnerability management cycle. 


Real-Time Threat Intelligence


With ongoing updates from global threat databases, SIRP ensures that your vulnerability management planning is always strategically based on the latest information, which keeps you one step ahead of potential threat actors.

Automation of patching process


Soft and hard wares are not free from weaknesses that cybercriminals can exploit. Patches are released to fix these weaknesses or vulnerabilities and to mitigate the risk of exploitation. Patches address newly discovered weaknesses. SIRP provides integration with patching tools to make the patching process smooth.

Minimal Human Intervention


By automating the vulnerability management cycle either partially or fully, SIRP ensures that routine tasks, which would otherwise consume valuable human resources, are handled efficiently by the system. This allows security teams to be deployed more effectively and focus on more critical tasks.

Comprehensive Reporting

SIRP SOAR solution provides detailed reports with user-friendly dashboards that offer insights regarding your security status, vulnerability trends, and the effectiveness of response efforts. SIRP helps you to make informed decisions and to demonstrate compliance.


SIRP SOAR solution provides detailed and simple reports with user-friendly dashboards that offer insights regarding your vulnerability management cycle, vulnerability trends, and the effectiveness of response efforts. The nifty dashboard widgets allow security personnel to track the most critical vulnerabilities to a resolution at a single glance. SIRP’s built-in and custom reports can be shown to higher management for review. This assists in making informed decisions and demonstrating compliance.

Vulnerability Management Automation Explained

To automate the vulnerability management lifecycle, SIRP starts by pulling vulnerabilities from a third-party tool by directly ingesting the vulnerabilities or executing an automated/manual scan and then ingesting the report. Once all the vulnerabilities are ingested, a playbook automatically escalates high and critical vulnerabilities into cases, notifying the asset custodians where those vulnerabilities are present. Next, a playbook is used to routinely follow up with those custodians to ensure that vulnerabilities are patched. Once reported vulnerabilities are patched, SIRP marks these vulnerabilities as resolved at its end.


Proactive Security Approach:

The never-ending stream of vulnerabilities is a constant battle for security professionals. New threats emerge daily, leaving teams scrambling to patch before attackers exploit them. But what if there was a way to prioritize and fix vulnerabilities based on their actual risk to your business? SIRP can be your game-changer! It helps you Focus on what matters most: SIRP analyzes vulnerabilities based on your specific threat landscape and critical assets. That means you prioritize patching the ones that pose the most significant risk, not just the ones with the highest CVSS scores.

SIRP allows your organization to approach vulnerabilities proactively to minimize potential risks and reduce the likelihood of breaches and the risk of damage instead of just reacting to incidents. This holistic approach helps your company to increase your team efficiency. 

In short, the never-ending stream of vulnerabilities is a constant battle for security professionals. New threats emerge daily, leaving teams scrambling to patch before attackers exploit them. But what if there was a way to prioritize and fix vulnerabilities based on their actual risk to your business? SIRP can be your game-changer! SIRP automates the vulnerability management process. It ingests data from third-party tools. SIRP prioritizes vulnerabilities with high-risk scores to the relevant security for remediation. SIRP ensures that vulnerabilities are resolved on time.

Finally, in this era of technology, where cyber risks are constantly growing and more sophisticated, better practices are required, and it is not sufficient to rely on traditional methods of vulnerability management. SIRP offers a comprehensive approach that puts vulnerability management on autopilot. It empowers your organisation to enjoy a secure work environment at no additional cost.